Tuesday, July 19, 2016

My Thoughts On Imagination Part 2

   "My Thoughts On Imagination Part 2"

         I have been thinking about what to write about next as my blog, but oddly enough nothing is coming to me.  Spirit keeps leading me back to needing to talk about imagination and give more examples or clarity. 
       Here is an example I hear all the time.  I go to a Psychic Development class to help support one of my dear friends.  About every week, she has a new person or two and after the mediation they say something like this: “I closed my eyes and during the meditation I saw the color green, then I hear peace, love, and joy. But I must be crazy or just imagined it.”  or “ I saw my grandpa and we had a conversation.”
         Oh Man, famous words I hear all the time. “I must have imagined it.”  I understand when a person is new to mediation they will have their doubts and second guesses which leads them to say “I must have imagined it.” But here is my point, you didn’t imagine anything. When you mediate you can hear, see, or feel things. You are not imagining them. It is real. You are opening yourself up and allowing, which in return pushes your ego aside. Doing this allows spirit to come through and speak to you or through you to other people.
          Isn’t it interesting how when we are in that meditative state, we allow things to play out and we accept it, but then as soon as we are out of the mediation, we start second guessing ourselves and the meditation.  This is due to us pushing the ego aside and being open.  Spirit comes in, gives us what we are meant to see, hear, or feel to help push us along our path in this life time.  As some come out of their meditation, their ego comes back with them and starts asking questions.  “What does that mean?”  Was that real?” “Did I imagine that”  “I’m crazy” the monkey mind comes back full swing. 
          So how do we keep the ego from coming back that easily when it comes back after mediation?  Well I have realized that there is no imagination. It is really about being open.  I have also practiced meditation with higher self and talking to higher self. And in a way, staying connected to Spirit and higher self even after I am done with meditation. How do I to this? Well first off meditate, then practice and thirdly set the intention that when you come back from meeting with higher self, guides, spirit or even source that you will still be connected, yet grounded in this plan as well. It is all about intention when it comes to that angle on things folks.

           In conclusion I believe there is no Imagination.  If there is, it is just a word that we as humans used to label being open to the 6th sense, and psychic abilities. 


My Thoughts On Imagination Part 2

   "My Thoughts On Imagination Part 2"

         I have been thinking about what to write about next as my blog, but oddly enough nothing is coming to me.  Spirit keeps leading me back to needing to talk about imagination and give more examples or clarity. 
       Here is an example I hear all the time.  I go to a Psychic Development class to help support one of my dear friends.  About every week, she has a new person or two and after the mediation they say something like this: “I closed my eyes and during the meditation I saw the color green, then I hear peace, love, and joy. But I must be crazy or just imagined it.”  or “ I saw my grandpa and we had a conversation.”
         Oh Man, famous words I hear all the time. “I must have imagined it.”  I understand when a person is new to mediation they will have their doubts and second guesses which leads them to say “I must have imagined it.” But here is my point, you didn’t imagine anything. When you mediate you can hear, see, or feel things. You are not imagining them. It is real. You are opening yourself up and allowing, which in return pushes your ego aside. Doing this allows spirit to come through and speak to you or through you to other people.
          Isn’t it interesting how when we are in that meditative state, we allow things to play out and we accept it, but then as soon as we are out of the mediation, we start second guessing ourselves and the meditation.  This is due to us pushing the ego aside and being open.  Spirit comes in, gives us what we are meant to see, hear, or feel to help push us along our path in this life time.  As some come out of their meditation, their ego comes back with them and starts asking questions.  “What does that mean?”  Was that real?” “Did I imagine that”  “I’m crazy” the monkey mind comes back full swing. 
          So how do we keep the ego from coming back that easily when it comes back after mediation?  Well I have realized that there is no imagination. It is really about being open.  I have also practiced meditation with higher self and talking to higher self. And in a way, staying connected to Spirit and higher self even after I am done with meditation. How do I to this? Well first off meditate, then practice and thirdly set the intention that when you come back from meeting with higher self, guides, spirit or even source that you will still be connected, yet grounded in this plan as well. It is all about intention when it comes to that angle on things folks.

           In conclusion I believe there is no Imagination.  If there is, it is just a word that we as humans used to label being open to the 6th sense, and psychic abilities. 


Saturday, July 9, 2016

My Thoughts about “Imagination”

My Thoughts about “Imagination”

            I know, I know, it’s been a while since I put up a blog post. Shame on me.  However, right now I would like to share my thoughts on “Imagination”. What is the “Imagination”?  According to dictionary.com the definition is:

The faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.”

      Now I don’t know about you, but doesn’t this sound like the definition of being “open”? Understand, when I say “Open”, I mean open to Sprit Divine. Please before I lose you, allow me to explain. 

       When we were children, or any child for that matter, people say “Oh, they have such an imagination.” You see kids having “imaginary friends”, they could see shadows, etc., who is to say that it’s their imagination?  I believe that children do not have an Imagination. I believe that they are more open to spirit than adults. When they pass the age to be held accountable for their actions and puberty starts, the ego starts to take hold.  This is when we start to close off to spirit. We enter into young adulthood and often times the individual closes off to spirit. Hint: why people say they lost their “Imagination”. When in my opinion they did not lose their imagination. They instead closed off their connection to Spirit, whether on purpose or not. We are Spiritual beings, here for our souls to learn lessons while in a human body.  With the human body comes the ego and emotions. We have to learn how to navigate our human experience with the emotions and ego intact.

           Now how does one reconnect to Spirit after being so closed off and navigate the ego?  Well with practice and changing your way of thinking or prospective, you can open back up to Spirit and find that connection again.    In order to do so, one would have to find out how to become mindful. One will have to learn how to push the ego aside, learning to trust one’s self and the information they are getting or experiencing.

             This can happen in numerous ways such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience (just to name a few.)  When getting information as crazy as it may seem to you (and you might feel like you’re making it up in your “imagination”) it just might make total sense to someone around you and be just what they need to hear. One of my teachers always says “First thought is Spirit, second thought is ego.” This means that since we are spiritual beings, our first thought is us connecting to spirit or what some may call our “Imagination”. Then as we think about the thought more, we start to analyze the thought or feeling being our ego trying to figure it out and how it makes sense, leading to us brushing or wiping the thought from our mind completely.

          Another way one could open up to spirit and be mindful is to meditate.  There are plenty of free apps you can download for mediation.  I know YouTube has some nice guided meditations but ultimately you have to choose what resonates with you. It could be just mediation music, a sound track of a stream gently flowing, or maybe you need help and like to be guided through meditations.

      The key is to trust yourself.  Yes, you might feel like it’s your “Imagination” running wild, but is it? Or are you starting to realize that imagination doesn’t exist, it’s just a matter of being open to 


Sending Light and Love

Getting to know Dylan

Getting to know Dylan

                I wanted to write my first blog to share with you a little bit about me and help us get more acquainted with each other.  With this being said allow me to introduce myself, My name is Dylan and I am a psychic Medium.  I know what you are thinking... “This guy probably locks himself in a dark room and talks to dead people all day”, or “this Guy must do epic things all day long and slay dragons and cast spells” Sad to say this is far from the truth.  I am just an everyday guy.  I like to go to the gym and run.  I enjoy music, hanging out with friends, cooking, traveling, learning new things, and meeting people.  I enjoy helping people, and investing in people.  Matter of fact just by looking at me you would have no idea of the gifts God has blessed me with.

      I am clairvoyant and clairaudient; clairvoyant meaning  “clear seeing”  and clairaudient meaning “clear hearing” .  The way it works for me with clairvoyance is I can see things sometime in the physical realm but mostly I see things in my mind’s eye weather my eyes are closed or not.   When it comes to clairaudience for me it is not like someone is whispering in my ear “maybe it's Maybelline” it is more of a thought that is projected into my mind out of nowhere.  For example if I’m thinking “hum… I wonder what is for dinner” then boom out of nowhere I get a thought saying “ask Mrs. Fiddle about her husband” what I am trying to explain is that I could be thinking of one thing and then something completely different will pop into my mind weather the information is coming from a past Loved one, or a spirit guide.

      As a Psychic Medium I stand for only things of Light and Love.  I know that my gifts are God given and I go straight to source knowing that there is a higher power. I thank God for the gifts I have and I hope to use them to help people heal.   I do believe that God gives us counselors in spirit to help us with our physical experience here on earth, whether they are angles or spirit guides. (We will talk about this later in another blog)I have named my site “Opalstruth” after my spirit guide Opal.  She is my wisdom guide as well as my main guide. I ask Her to join me with the Angels of Light and Love, Archangels, and God any time I give a reading or do a Reiki Healing session.

     Well, I think this is a good start.  If any of you have any questions or would like me to write a blog on a topic please feel free to let me know and I will share my opinion and what I get from spirit.  I am looking forward to building a relationship with you all.

Sending Light and Love
