Sunday, August 28, 2016

How to Read Cards Intuitively

How to Read Cards Intuitively.


           In the last blog, we talked about the differences in Tarot and oracle cards.  In this blog, I plan to give you some helpful hints to reading cards intuitively.  Starting from the top, Tarot- yes they have their own story line that the cards have that have been passed from tradition, but what if I told you that you don’t have to pay attention to the traditional meaning of the cards, or if you do, it doesn’t have to be your main focus. In Tarot the Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentacles all mean different things just them alone. Then you have the numerology to it. Below I have provided brief meaning of the elements and numerology.

Swords - Logic/ Thought
Wands – Creativity/Spirit
Cups – Emotion/Feelings
Pentacles - Material Things/Money/Career

1-      1. Creativity and Confidence
2-      2. Cooperation and Balance
3-      3. Expression and Sensitivity
4-      4. Stability and Process
5-      5. Freedom and Discipline
6-      6. Vision and Acceptance
7-      7. Trust and Openness
8-      8. Abundance and Power
9-     9.  Integrity and Wisdom
0-     0.  Inner Gifts

With this simple basic knowledge, you can read Tarot; however, even without this knowledge, you can read tarot. 

          When I read Tarot, I don’t really pay much attention to the numbers or the elements. (Gasp! how dare I; I know!) You really don’t need them.  You can read cards intuitively whether their Oracle or Tarot.  But how? You simply listen to spirit through your gift, (clairaudience, clairvoyant, or clairsentients). When you get your first deck of cards or a new deck, you may be tempted to look at the book that comes with the deck to draw the information about each card.  If you do, that’s okay, but it is not reading cards intuitively and personally I think when people do that, they are putting spirit in a box and limiting the meaning of the cards, and the messages that have the potential to come through from spirit through your gifts.  You might ask again “How do you read cards intimately?” It’s a process. As you get your deck of cards, before looking at the book, try to sit down with them and you get to know them. You look at each card individually.  You look at colors, themes, actions, weather, and elements.  Then as you notice those things ask yourself “what do they mean to me?” Whatever or however you feel about the symbol is what will be conveyed in the reading. Spirit communicates differently to different people. For example, when I see water, I think of emotions or energy moving. When someone else sees water, maybe they think of strength and power.  Spirit will often times tailor the imagery to your meaning so they can better communicate through you. Trust me, it would be a lot easier to just have spirit speak clear English, but they don’t. So instead work on building that relationship with your guides, angels and source. (We will talk about building the relationship with Divine in another blog to come.)

          Tarot and oracle come from different realms, yet very similar, and will give what spirit has to say across, no matter what you choose to use. It is really just whatever you are drawn to (Oracle or Tarot), especially when it comes to knowing what deck to get.  Get the deck you feel connects with you, and you will know when it does. When I first got into card reading and I told spirit I was ready to learn. And as I was on Amazon one day, I saw a Chakra oracle deck.  In some way, shape, and form, I was drawn to it; it caught my eye. It is as simple as that. Do not over think it. 

Hope this Helped,
Sending Light and Love

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Difference Between Tarot and Oracle Cards

Difference Between Tarot and Oracle Cards

                I get this question a lot “what the different is between tarot and oracle card?” and like many things, you will have many answer based on how other people perceive the difference.  So allow me to share my thoughts on this topic. 

    I would like to start with tarot.  Most anyone raised in the church (such as myself) has been taught that tarot cards are bad and of the devil blah blah blah.  I personally thought this way for a long time, most of my life even.  Now I would say that’s dust in the wind and very untrue.  Tarot cards do have a misleading image due to Hollywood using them in their scary or dark movies.  Like most things it is all about intention.   Some people don’t like the devil card or the death card in tarot, but that is mainly due to people being uneducated on what the cards really mean. The Devil card often shows a devil and two humans chained to the ground or to him.  Though sometimes the imaging can be off putting, you must look deeper into the meaning (after all it is art).  The meaning behind the Devil card is not letting the negative things or situations (the Devil) bind you or hold you in that dark place.  As for the Death card, you will often see the angel of death, or a Grim Reaper. This simply means that you are going to have a spiritual death and a new awakening. It could also mean that certain situations around you could be coming to an end to make way for the new awakening or new chapter in life.
   In tarot, the meanings of the cards are already built in with a story line connected to them.  There are cups, swords, wands, and pentacles. The direct symbolism and meanings are all built in though numerology and the imaging of cups, swords, wands, and pentacles. But we will talk about how to read cards in the next blog. Moving on shall we….

      Then there are oracle cards.  I prefer to use oracle cards only for the simple fact that there isn’t anything “story line” or true meaning of the card. In other words I like them better because I feel you can build/set your own intention for the deck and how you want to use them, and you can read them more intuitively since there is no set outline in the cards’ meaning like there is in tarot.  Some oracle cards don’t have any writing on them at all, some have one word or phrases on them, and some have the main meaning of the card and then has the message already written on it.

     Most importantly, whether it is tarot or a certain type of oracle card, use whatever type of cards you are drawn to the most.

Next blog will be about how to read cards intuitively.  Stay tuned.

Let Your Love be Your Light
Light and Love to you all
